
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Sad Puppy.

Ugh. I was in a perfectly good mood this morning, and now I'm blue like a smurf. A sad, sad smurf. Sufficit to say work has not been all fun and cupcakes today, and I'm frustrated, and tired, and would much rather be out playing with a puppy. Somehow now my mood has taken a turn for the morose, and I'm feeling rather "why even bother" about the whole thing. I ate these days- I start thinking I'm useless and lame and friendless and talentless. My photos suck, my blog is boring, My eyes are all puffy and apparently I'm whiny and self-pitying.

Don't think I haven't noticed.

I wish I had a puppy, or a bunny, or a hedgehog. Something to cuddle*. Something to love me and give me affection. Pets are great in that they generally don't care how much of a loser you are**. Sometimes they even like you better that way. Unwashed, even. Although to be fair all that pooping is a bit of a deterrent. Someone needs to find some means of providing affection and adoration without bucketloads of poop and/ or shoe-chewage and/or expense.

But for now I can't afford a pet, so I guess I'm going to have to rely on moping around, listening to Morrisey (or Sea Change), and drinking cocktails. Although with my current budget, those cocktails are going to be made out of beer***.

* I've heard that hedgies are actually more cuddle-able than they look. And their noses are pink!
** well, except for cats. they have higher standards.
*** siiiiiiiiiiiigh!


Blogger The xGW said...

oh glory be! i have 37.5 gazillion hedgehoggerys in my fund. i'll post you one.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Betenoir said...

yay! although, be sure and use plenty of bubblewrap, a squished hedgie would just make me sadder....

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they did get squished, at least then you wouldn't have to worry about poop and chewed shoes.

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww....don't be sad.
smurfs made it work by being cheery. and they're blue all the time.

I'm not helping am I?

um....wanna puppy? how about a playstation?

6:21 PM  
Blogger Betenoir said...

kyk- that's horrible! what use would a squished hedgie be? what kind of snuffling and affection would I get?
P-e: there's always the smurfy exception. I bet they kept the sad smurfs locked away from the cameras.

playstations are almost as good as puppies.

9:07 AM  
Blogger SheBee said...

Awww Bete,

Did my puppeh set this squishy want off?

Take your own advice, buy the puppeh!!!!

Or how about a goldfish? Or a bird? If you can't get a live squishy loveable one.

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor blue smurfy can hug my dogs (for a small consideration) and perhaps have a glass of wine with me at lunch tomorrow?

5:58 PM  
Blogger The xGW said...

actually, if you scribbled welcome on a squished hedgie and parked him at your front door it might do wonders when it comes to getting that mud off your fancy shoes. eh?

10:49 AM  
Blogger crayola dude said...

How about an e-hug?

12:21 PM  
Blogger Betenoir said...

charmskool: why do you think i was so eager to housesit!
XGW: you're sick. sick, I say!
ekke: I'll take it!

12:26 PM  
Blogger lordwiggly said...

Hey hope you're feeling much better today. Its da weekend!

And if you're not, your profile pic is HOT. Nuff said.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... I actually rescued a baby hedgehog in Mombassa, from lethal coconut ordinance ...
cuddly-ness? I'd have to say 2/10

The little bugger then blew away a point by biting me
so final: 1/10


11:08 AM  

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