
Friday, July 20, 2007

I know the Feeling...

It hasn't happened to me, and I hope it doesn't. I think I've been lucky in that my little blog isn't wildly famous*, or particularly offensive (well, as far as I can tell). But I've noticed that as soon as a blog starts getting a little more well-known, the haters start popping up.

Some of them are the more rational kind, who object to a specific post, find a statement offensive, or perhaps just dislike the writing style. Whatever the case may be, they present their arguments in somewhat more measured terms, probably because they want to strike a balance between getting their (annoyed) point/ opinion across, and seeming like some sort of harping fishwife loony.

Which brings us to the harping-fishwife-loony quotient of the blog-commenting population. With their misspelled, spewed invective and ranting diatribes, there's more than a whiff of the Springer** about them. See, they'll take personal offense at everything the blogger says, and spam the comments section with vitriol, of the "your so fat + ugly + stupid, why r u people even reading this sh^&, U R A LOZER PIG FRIED SPINACH EVIL, I h8 this blog u r a waste of air in the internet, ppl if we stop rdng nw s/he will hav 2 quit!"***variety.

They will then copy-past this comment a few dozen times. Every day. Ad infinitum. Over the protests of the people who are actually enjoying reading that blog. It's some sort of modern conundrum that people will force themselves to read blogs they hate, seemingly for the pleasure of getting their hate on. Because as far as I know, it's all still voluntary... right?

* plans for world domination have been laid and include ice-cream..but more of that later, minions.
** as in Jerry, not as in the dogs. Dogs are cool. Although I expected Springers to be more... bouncy, frankly.
*** sic.

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Blogger ChewTheCud said...

You refer no doubt to Trolls. It happens. Especially if your blog is popular. People begrudge you your popularity. There's very little defense against someone like that because they are calling out for attention and anything you say is construed as such. Me? I delete any attempts on my blog - if they can't say anything they go away. Its a blogtatorship, not a blogocracy ;)

11:27 AM  
Blogger fuzzy logic said...

Yay! Glad to see the Pearls love being spread.

Funny how those with the 'most' to say wouldn't pass a spelling bee even if they had the words in front of them, and a herd of cheerleaders spelling it out with their bodies. Gimme an F-U-...

11:40 AM  
Blogger lordwiggly said...

I hate u. Ur blog sux (and u had beta not stop riting posts ok!?!?!?!)

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lawd. Really? I haven't had any of those. I feel decidedly left out.

2:00 PM  
Blogger Catalyst said...

*Garbled inarticulate ramblings* troll enough?

2:21 PM  
Blogger Betenoir said...

Catalyst- sorry, are you trying to insult my blog? I refuse to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Pig fried spinach"? Is that anything like chicken fried steak?

3:45 PM  
Blogger Betenoir said...

perhaps, but healthier.

3:49 PM  
Blogger crayola dude said...

lol ur blogg suxx0rz lucky mi blogg iz kewl 2 teh r0xx0rz n ppl alwz reed mah blogz lol. im bttr n u!!!1!!one!.

5:38 PM  
Blogger crayola dude said...

Then again, my word verification for that comment was 'wfzbku'.

Go figure...

5:40 PM  
Blogger Catalyst said...

Consider me suitably chastised... but whoa, ouch! Unarmed opponent? I'll have you know I fully armed, I even have backups (shovel + graveyard = fun)

10:49 AM  

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