
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Boringest Days So Far.

Yesterday, I had my informal six-month employee review. Basically I'm doing a good job ("what you do is wonderful, and spot-on...") but I'm disorganised("when you do them"). Hmmm. Also the Untidiness of My Desk came up, as it has been bothering "people". Oh, I cannot guess who that could be. Oh who would have mentioned this*. A Mystery. In any case, I did protest this point, as I have been pretty good about the tidying of the papers and moving the random bits of obsolete equipment to where they can't be seen... as much. So that's a win. Oh, and also I apparently spend too much time on the Interweb. Pah. "Define too much time", I would have said, had I been the innately cooler, more rebellious person I am in my head. But I didn't. But I thought it.

So, the last few days have been a blur of trying to look more organised, which it is hard not to be, as it is so quiet. I've been able to get through a multitude of tasks I haven't had time for but are, I guess, important. I've been bloody cataloguing all the DVDs, VHS cassettes, and cd's in my office**. With descriptions. Seemingly an easy task, except most of the cassettes are hand-labelled, with maybe one post-it bearing a scribbled nametag. So, lots of IMDB research and finding obscure dutch film sites***.

So, that's done. Although I'm sure they'll find some way to make it need more work out into it. I can feel it in my bindles. In the meantime You'll find me doing a stocktake, and then maybe when I'm done I can find something to collate.

Do you think it's wrong to order a beer while I'm working?

*this, children, is what we call Sarcasm. Or perhaps Dramatic Irony. Fine line, fine line.
** and there are lots. Many of them, oddly, in Czech.
**Not porn, you dirty-minded reprobates!!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

go into advertising. people check you funny if you're *not* sinking a six-pack before 11am.

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wrong" is such a strong word. Do you operate any heavy machinery? If not, it seems perfectly reasonable to me.

5:49 PM  
Blogger ChewTheCud said...

You felt it in your bindles? Thats a pretty strong premonition. Maybe you should have a beer, calm down ;)

8:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha untidy desks are genetically inherited...just like twinkling. My desk is so untidy my colleagues in a previous firm bought me a sign that said An Untidy Desk is a Sign of Genius! I lost it in the papers on my desk! they were right though I am one twinkling eyelash-batting genius!

1:20 PM  
Blogger I are wearing the jean pant said...

Oh sweet Jesus, boredom is spreading like a disease!

Curious; do you catalogue alphabetically or cronologically?

2:52 PM  
Blogger Betenoir said...

alphabetically...but shhhhhhh, before they hear you and get ideas!

2:58 PM  
Blogger crayola dude said...

Um, lass... What's a bindle?

3:17 PM  
Blogger Betenoir said...

it's the bundle hobos and runaways know, like in old storybooks, made from a knotted polka-dot hankerchief on a stick.

also: a personal, general slang term for my nether regions.

3:32 PM  
Blogger K.M. said...

I find splitting my split ends to be a fine way to pass work time!
And humming the ice-cream van song for two hours straight.

3:44 PM  
Blogger crayola dude said...


Learn something new everyday.

11:36 AM  

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