
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Enough Already.

This rain is putting a dampener on my spirits. This winter seems to have dragged on rather interminably, but for the most part is actually quite cheerful, with chilly days best spent under the covers with a DVD and hot chocolate*. It's nice to take hot showers and baths, although some idiot insisted on turning down my geyser because it was "too hot", so now the water is never hot enough. However, the current level of wetness puring from the sky, combined with thunder**, is quite misery-inducing. Being carless, I end up doing a lot of commuting during pissing-downs, and having wet feet for a considerable part of my day. I don't think that this is particularly healthy or hygenic***, and it's also uncomfortable.

Frankly, I'm bored. Nobody wants to go out and do anything, everyone is cocooning, and it's too wet, wild 'n windy to have much fun. I'm getting cabin fever, and my laundry won't dry. And I'm tired of wearing layers, and choosing interesting outfits that nobody sees under the piles of sweaters, scarves and jackets.

It would be nice if I could wash my hair and get it dry in under two hours, and if the humidity and rain didn't immediately bring on the supreme frizziness and weird hair angles of winter. I get super-annoyed when I spend 2 hours getting my hair ultra-straight and sleek and then 5 minutes outside gives me asylum-head****. I'd like to wear a dress, and sandals, or even-gasp- shorts.

But mostly I'd just like to have warm dry feet.

*Nestle, not Cadbury's, which is always watery no matter how much powder you add.
** eek! the little caveman in my head say "gods in sky go boom! verr' angry.ugh!"
*** I have an idea my feet are rotting. Okay, I know they're not but the idea persists throughout the day.
**** Like bedhead, but crazy. Trust me, I worked at Valkenberg, I know asylum-head.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked at Valkenberg or 'workin' it' at Valkenberg?
Get outta and that crazy hairdo, you....!

I'm sure just one more addition to a growing family at home (no puns intended, really!) will set you as right as...well...

gimme an A!
gimme a D!
gimme an I!
gimme an O!


10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll loan you my clippers and then you can have "Prison Break" head. How cool is that? Other advantages include the 2-minute drying time and the fact that each 6mm strand is completely straight.

8:41 AM  
Blogger SheBee said...


Come visit me on the coast - nice and warm here.

11:51 AM  
Blogger I are wearing the jean pant said...

So curious to know what you did at Valkenburg now! you're just full of surprises :) Asylum head. Hie Hie.

8:56 AM  

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