
Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Very Eventful Week.

Right. So lots of stuff has happened this past week or so. It's been a rather tiring roller-coaster ride of events and occurrences, and I'm quite ready for a bit of the olde quietude. I'm going to have to bullet-point all of these because I'm rather dizzy and not up to actual paragraphs (see point 4).

this week, I have:

  1. helped launch an art exhibition at work, for which I spent a good three hours helping to put up 44 litho-print board-mounted photos with prestik*. Have spent countless hours since picking the damn things off and unbending the corners and reapplying them to the boards.
  2. Won a photography competition. The prize is a stonkin' new canon photo printer and paper and ink cartridges, but best if all I'm getting a spread in Charged Magazine and I get to call myself a prize-winning photographer. I'm totally getting a t-shirt made.
  3. Been to a birthday braai on Saturday night, only to fall momentarily asleep at the table at around 11pm. Just a microsleep, but it was noticed- by the host. Mortifying!
  4. Gotten some sort of flu virus/ tummy bug thing that has laid me low and rendered me both nauseous and dizzy. Lovely to have to deal with in this heat. Also I have my period. So, altogether feeling supersexy and fun.
  5. Spent all day cleaning and rushing arund to perapre for a braai at the Hotties' place on sunday, only to start feeling completely out of it and claustrophobic and nauseous, due to the virus thing.
  6. Switched on my cellphone to discover my SIM card decided to shuffle unceremoniously off this mortal coil. So, now I'm out of contact with everyone, feeling isolated and also a bunch of my numbers have been lost.

I'm quite ready for a quiet week. But not much hope of that with bloody Christmas round the corner... Happy Holidays to you all. And a merry Cristmukkah.

*totally not my idea, yet somehow I'm getting blamed for its failings. Someone please offer me a job.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Nasty stuff, Prestik
2. I would congratulate you, but I'm in Jealousy's thrall at the moment
3. Hey, it's been an eventful week
4. Probably Prestik poisoning - like I said, nasty stuff
5. As long as it's only the virus
6. At least now you can start the new year with a clean slate

10:09 AM  
Blogger SheBee said...

COngratulationssssssssss and celebrationsssssssssss!

Yay thats so cool, you might have a really crap job, but you WON something! I've never had that.

Cool. Now don't waste the photographic paper on printing out different penis shapes.

Hope you feel better soon.

10:53 AM  
Blogger The Blonde Blogshell said...

Congrats Supersexy and Fun girl!
What was the photograph?

Shame on the flu virus...they really have a knack of springing up at the most inopportune times.

Happy, Merry Easter!! ;-)

7:48 AM  
Blogger Andre said...

My congratulations and comiserations, as appropriate ... :))

Hope the worst is past.

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Great Blog....

Why not host you blog local at

2:15 PM  
Blogger SheBee said...


Its been thrice days short of a month.

Where for art thou, Betenoir?

2:57 PM  

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