
Monday, November 12, 2007

Notes on Staying Afloat.

I have never considered myself outdoorsy. In fact, had you asked me about this at any time previous to my sojourn in the land of the Rising At Bloody 3am Sun*, I would have wrinkled my nose prettily and made disparaging comments about dirt and scorpions and my need for comfort.

On the whole, I'm still not overly fond of roughing it. But I quite enjoy the whole camping/ barbecuing food/ living in a tent thin once in a while. It's quite... relaxing. Especially when the weather is good. And you don't get bitten by mystery insects**. It's even better when a mixup regarding campsites means you end up staying at a plush hotel. Sweet pillowy goodness at the end of a hard day.

See this weekend I went river rafting. It was fun. Very much fun. Not enough rapids, though. rapids are very entertaining. But the floating along gently, accompanied by the warbling of birds (or fellow rafters), alphabet games, raft wars, biscuit-munching and harassing of the guides was very relaxing indeed. Nature was very natural, the sky was blue, the air was clear, and dragonflies were very attracted to me. And why is it that food eaten outdoors in the middle of nowhere tastes so much better?

*the real name for Japan
** long story, but my leg didn't fall off so it's all good.

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Blogger kyknoord said...

"...why is it that food eaten outdoors in the middle of nowhere tastes so much better?
Simple, really. It's the subconcious fear inherent in city types (whenever they're separated from the trappings of civilisation) that it may very well be the last meal you ever eat.

5:50 PM  
Blogger lordwiggly said...

Nice post - you've just inspired me to go eat my sarmie outside ;)

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



4:54 PM  
Blogger SheBee said...

How did I miss this post?! And why are you not replying to anyone, have you fallen off the face of the earth, miss?

12:33 PM  
Blogger Betenoir said...

work is just awful at the moment, Shebee...need to find a new job, sigh...

12:35 PM  
Blogger SheBee said...

I blame your boss.

Plant a box of silk worms in her desk and let them shag like bunnies everywhere and lay eggs.


12:37 PM  
Blogger Betenoir said...

...poor silkworms.

I'm getting lots of attitude lately though... the other boss is in on it too now. today I was told "oh you look nice today; you're dressed appropriately...normally you dress so... creatively..."

the other people in the office were all horrified.

12:41 PM  
Blogger SheBee said...

Kill the bitch! Jeeeeez! What a whore, seriously.

Or make the silkworms ....(insert disgusting something) to her.

God. I'm mad for you.

And, I also dress 'creatively'. Maybe thats why.

12:50 PM  

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