
Thursday, April 05, 2007

Some Leave, with a little Break.

Aaaaaah. Religious holidays. A chance to bond with the family over dinner and field somewhat inappropriate questions about my love life from unexpected sources. A time to pause and reflect on my spirituality, and what it means to me.

a time for Matzos, Marmite, and ensuing constipation.

Pesach is fun because there's so much of it. Two days off at the beginning and one right at the end. Also, there's Easter right in the middle of it, so you get that as a public holiday. What's even more awesome is that both holidays are totally centred around food. Perhaps they aren't meant to be , but they are. Soup with Kneidlach, matzos with the aforementioned Marmite or Peck's Anchovette*, and herring. I don't actually like herring, and no, Mom, it's not like sushi.

Easter has the traditional Easter bunnies, creme eggs, marshmallow eggs**, and if you live in a country with it's priorities right***, marshmallow Peeps shaped like chicks. Also, many things covered with foil that must be ripped off an scattered around one's bedroom, to be discovered under your pillow weeks later, even though the linen has been changed twice.

So, to recap: yummy sweets, yummy savouries, and 7 days off with a Thursday of work in the middle. Not bad. Not bad at all.

*both of which are, I think, things that only South Africans, Brits and a few other colonials actually enjoy. And I'm not sure about the fishpaste. Does anyone else in the world actually eat it?
** the ones with caramel in the middle are the best, no question.
*** So not South Africa then.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

want me to bring you a creme egg or two??

4:42 PM  
Blogger Betenoir said...

I would probably love you forever. Well, maybe not forever. Maybe for as long as it took to unwrap the eggs, and then it would all be fairies and tinkly music...

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

consider it done.

4:53 PM  
Blogger Dan Lurie said...

i loooove creme eggs.

PS. marmite is a yeast product, bit of a contradiction there ;-)

2:06 AM  
Blogger ...and... said...

At least you live in a country with a concept of Easter that includes chocolate! Japan ripped me off big-time on this one. Reckon I could find a hotcross bun or an Easter egg anywhere?! Not freaking anywhere. I bought raisin pan and Smarties, Miss. That was my Easter.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omigod I can't believe the perfect offspring insists on embarassing me in print .. Marmite on Pesach! Thank you Other-Duke for putting her right .... um after all she could never have picked up that nasty marmite on matzos habit at home. Ok so herring is not like sushi but it's so good. I've been telling you that stuff tastes "just like" since you are teeny. When will you just try to believe me?

1:32 PM  

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