Pepsi have finally introduced a diet version of their cola for the Japanese market. And in a rush of inspiration, they have named the new drink (which tastes suspiciously identical to diet Pepsi twist)…wait for it… NEX! Uhhm… Nex? As in... Nexus? Next… Nexatious…. Nexcrophiliac? I suppose it sounded good, and vaguely Englishy, and maybe a bit oooooh, you know, space age and stuff, but really it gives the impression of having been named by a 12-year-old boy with an Asimov fixation. And it should be a (loyal) robot, not a fizzy drink. Was it meant to fit the general theme started by Pepsi max? Should we look forward to Pepsi Sox, Pepsi Dux, and god forbid, Pepsi Cox?
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