
Saturday, July 09, 2005


So. Dinner last night, Okonomiyake and Takoyaki and Beer and (of course) Chu-hi. Amazement was duly expressed at my ability with hashi and I was asked which I was more comfortable with, hashi or cutlery.


I mean, it takes so little to be entertaining and witty here. I've been giving serious thought about how easy it is to be the centre of attention, and how I'm going to go into withdrawal once I go home. Truth be told: I LIKE being noticed, I even like never having anyone sit next to me on buses or trains--- I LIKE having the damn seat to myself. Little old ladies love me, small children find me amazingly entertaining, and teenagers think I am cute.

I helped cure someone's hiccups (the "think-of-previous-breakfasts" technique) to much amazement and praise and assertions of my magic powers. Now, I know,I know, most of this is blatant flattery and just counts for good manners here but it still panders to my innate vanity and self-love.

eventually, I'll have to go back to being a normal person. And I'm probably going to be insufferable for at least six months.


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